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3 Surprising Benefits of Staying Connected Without a Cell Phone

3 Surprising Benefits of Staying Connected Without a Cell Phone

You want to stay in touch with your family. But you don’t want to bother them.

Your spouse travels for business a lot. You don’t want to bother her by constantly checking in, but you’d like to know that her airplane landed safety, or that she arrived at the hotel or the conference center.

Or perhaps your spouse works a “dangerous” job – standing on the side of a highway, or walking through construction areas, or dealing with repeat offenders. You don’t want to interrupt him at work with a constant stream of texts and calls, but you’d like to know that he’s okay.

Your child just started her freshman year at college. You’d like to stay in touch, but you don’t want to be the overbearing parent who’s always checking in.

Or your child just graduated from college, moved to a big city, and started his first job. You want the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing that he’s safe – but you don’t want to be calling twice a day.

How can you stay connected – without needing to rely on a cell phone?

Safety wearables, such as Amber Alert GPS, allow you and your family to stay connected without needing to call or text each other constantly. Amber Alert GPS will give you real-time information about your loved ones, including their location, so you’ll know that your daughter safety made it to New York City this morning, or that your husband is still at the construction site. And if your loved one needs help, they can send an SOS with the push of a button.

Here are some of the surprising benefits to staying connected through a safety wearable.

#1: No Wrong Numbers

How often do you call or text the wrong number? If you’re using a landline, you might literally mistype the digits. If you’re using a cell phone, you might accidentally call the wrong person in your phone directory – such as calling “Manager” when you were trying to dial “Mom.” Either way, the end result is miscommunication, delayed response time, and embarrassment.

Thanks to Amber Alert GPS, you don’t need to worry about calling or texting the wrong person. Use the app to silently make sure that your loved one is safe, or use the device to speak to one another with the push of a button. Either way, you avoid the embarrassment of texting “David” when you meant to text “Daniel” … for the second time this week.

#2: Talk On-The-Run

You and your family are busy. You don’t necessarily have time to constantly stay on the phone. You just want to check-in for a few seconds, between meetings, classes and other phone calls.

Or perhaps one of you is constantly behind-the-wheel. You want to stay in touch, but you hate the idea of texting while driving. You don’t want to put your loved ones in danger by asking them to send you a text message.

Thanks to Amber Alert GPS, you can quickly press a button to ask, “Is everything okay?” while you’re on-the-go. This push-button talking feature allows you to hear each other’s voices, even if you’re on opposite coasts, without the trouble and interruption of calling.

You could also use to app to make sure your loved one is safely on-the-road … no texting while driving required. And as a bonus, you can even get an instant alert if the car exceeds a certain speed limit – so you can rest assured that your 19-year-old son isn’t speeding, either.

#3: Stay in the Background

Do your adult children get annoyed when you check-in with them too frequently? Thanks to Amber Alert GPS, you and your children can both get what you want. You’ll enjoy the peace-of-mind that comes from knowing they’re safe. And they’ll enjoy the quiet from not needing to check-in with their parents everyday.

Safety wearables allow you to “silently” stay connected. Sure, you could choose to use the push-button feature to speak with each other instantly. But if you prefer, you could also choose to quietly make sure that your loved ones made it home safely – without needing to barrage them with texts and calls.

In other words, you don’t need to call your spouse or your adult children to check-in all the time. You’ll enjoy the quiet comfort that comes from knowing they’re okay.