The perfect companion for your family's safety


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Smartphone Companion App


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How It Works

The Active Halo® GPS Smart Locator is a durable, child friendly product that works hand-in-hand with our easy-to-use parent app and portal, keeping busy families connected with tracking information and voice functionality.

Active Halo® GPS Device
  • Locate

    Track your little ones online or from our mobile app - location information is updated every five minutes. 

  • Communicate

    Use two-way calling to call your child anytime - they can even call you with the touch of a button.  Stay connected with frequent location updates and long battery life. 

  • Alert

    Set up safe zones to get informational alerts, such as a child entering or leaving school, as well as SOS alerts, indicating your child may feel threatened or is not feeling well via voice call, text and/or email. 

  • Lasting Power

    Our battery lasts up to 40 hours on a single charge, so you'll be covered even on sleep overs.

Unlimited Text and Email alerts to Family and Friends

Designated family and friends can receive safety alerts via email &/or text messages to their mobile phone.

Award Winning

We repeatedly get ranked as the best GPS tracker on the market by TopTenReviews

"For its exceptional functionality, the Amber Alert GPS is our Top Ten Reviews Gold Award winner."

One-of-a-kind Predator Alerts

A parent can also be aware of any threats in their neighborhood or around the areas their child frequents. With this exclusive feature, an email and/or text alert will be sent when their child comes within 500 feet of a registered sex offender’s residence.


Hear what our customers have to say

Excellent!! I definitely recommend! I have had nothing but great experiences with Amber Alert GPS and their products.

I originally purchased the Amber Alert GPS device because I was taking my son on vacation to California. I wanted a way to keep track of him just in case we got split up. Now I use the device every day. I always know where he's at - if he made it to school or not. Since I share custody, and he's at his mother's half the time, I can call him each night and talk to him before he goes to bed. I love being able to stay close to my son. I also love the fact that he can call me at anytime if he needs me.

I bought this device to stay in touch with my granddaughter. I didn't want to get her a smartphone yet because she'd be exposed to the internet and texting. With this device, I can see where she's at and talk to her when I need to. It brings me much relief and piece of mind.

We decided to get our daughter the Amber Alert GPS when she started riding the bus in second grade. It gave me peace of mind throughout the day knowing that she made it safe to school each day!